Dang-it Bishop

I sail this ship, yo!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lack of blogging...

must mean I've been busy elsewhere! And that is so true indeed.

Life isn't so complicated, it just gets that way with the busy schedules and the mayhem of having 3 kids (for me anyway). I am trying to rely on the simplicities to get me though every moment.

Training has started to ramp up quite a bit in the past weeks. Swimming 2 days a week has become quite the theaputic brain massage that has been lacking in past seasons. It's coming together but has a long way to go.

Can't wait to get on the bike! Enough said...although, I did get a new saddle and I love it so far (as far as I can tell form trainer spinning).

Running has been okay but inconsistent. I'm still feeling very strong when I get out there, so that's good I guess. We have a race tomorrow. The Get lucky 7k in wonderful DT minneapolis. It's 4.3 miles of pure glory. Weatherman says cool crisp morning air but lots of sun! I can dig anything over 20 degrees at this point. Most don't agree!! : )

Lots of other great things are happening! I won't indulge just now, but trust me when I say life is good!

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